This project is under development sine past one and half years. It is an amazing service that enable you to store massive copies of entire genome online. There might be a speculation in everyone’s minds, storing data is something Google Drive can do, then how Google Genome is any different? The answer to this question is very easy, Though Google drive provides a large amount of data storage space but when it comes to DNA we are talking about massive contiguous data files. These files cannot be accessed until and unless you have a super strong data connection. In addition to this, DNA processing involves a lot of complex calculations and processing. Technology Review states that a single individual’s genome weighs about 100 gigabytes. If digits are this high for a single person it is a challenge to store the same information for millions.

Google Genomics also helps in exploring data by slicing alignments and variants by genomic range across multiple samples. The hope is to start a network helping researchers around the world to compare genetics and multiply the rate at which discoveries are made. All these computations and data storage facilities don’t even cost as much as we would have expected. The cost of the storing the complete raw data of the genome is set at $25 per year, per genome. However, after being cleaned up, the genome data can be pared down to under one gigabyte and stored for only 25 cents per year. Further computations on the genome data would cost extra. That is not a big price to build up the database directory which stores the entire bulk of human knowledge.

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