This might not be a problem for enthusiasts, that’s for sure, but it becomes a deal breaker for those users looking for a smaller form factor with similar capabilities inside. The design of the Samsung ONE is presented by Yejin Jeon on Yanko Design. Samsung One is so small that it could easily be mistaken for a pen. It is not larger than a pen, nor is it much heavier either. However, it is certainly lighter than a smartphone. The Samsung concept relies on cloud computing and involves a wide screen display that comes out of the pen. This screen is a 6 inch bendable sheet and at the edge of the pen we also have an embedded camera. You can make ONE stand in order to use the 6 inches of screen estate to their full extent. When the display is inside the pen there’s a small touchscreen on the side of the pen. This one allows you to control the device and has the role of showing notifications, signal, battery and more.