It has been 14 years since Sandberg, whose nonprofit aims to increase the number of female executives in commercial America, revealed her resignation in a Facebook posting. Next to Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl is Facebook’s most well-known executive. Mark was still in his early twenties when he hired Sandberg from Google, where the latter was in charge of a group that handled virtually all of the company’s worldwide marketing, at the age of 38. At Facebook, she had a similar goal—to increase the sales profits to $200 million a year, and to guarantee that Facebook’s namesake platform took hold in other countries.

Facebook Can’t Deny Her Achievement

It’s impossible to deny her achievement. After only two years, Facebook’s revenue doubled. The company made $117 billion in sales in its latest financial year. After Sandberg took over as Zuckerberg’s successor, the firm now boasts 2.9 billion regular customers, a 2400 percent growth. In India, there are currently more Facebook visitors than there are residents in the United States. In an interview with Bloomberg, Sandberg said she’s reluctant to receive another position in the IT industry since she’s already valued at an astounding $1.7 billion. To accomplish more with her organization, she said, “I want to create more space.” That doesn’t rule out a return to the technology or even political worlds, she added. “I learned a long time ago: Never make any predictions about the future.” “This is the end of an era,” said Zuckerberg in a blog post. “I’ll miss working with Sheryl on this project. The fact that she’ll remain on our executive board when she steps down from her day-to-day managerial job in the coming months makes me very happy,” he said. Sandberg is the first female board member of Facebook.

Sandberg’s term was dogged by scandal as well. A growing corporate star, she pressed on with Zuckerberg’s aim to “unite the globe” with very little consideration for the social and economic effects on countries Facebook integrated. Unparalleled expansion often comes at the price of the security of online consumers. In some cases, the intention was to undermine privacy. Due to a long history of controversy, the business had to pay a record-breaking $5 billion punishment in the United States a couple of years back. Many of Sandberg’s media relations gaffes are her own. The wealthy Facebook skeptic George Soros was the subject of an investigation conducted by a Republican opposition-research company. When she was dating the President of Activision Blizzard, Bobby Kotick, she utilized Facebook’s massive assets to bury headlines about him in the news. In the aftermath of the Capitol incident on January 6, she openly denied Facebook’s participation in organizing it, only for allegations to surface that Facebook was crucial to the planned uprising.

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